The Modifiers window allows you to select which Modifier(s) to use for modifying source items. Multiple Modifiers can be selected at once.
Please see the Terminology: Modifier section for further information on Modifiers.
- Modifier List
The currently installed modifiers. Clicking on a Modifier will display a brief description of what it does within the header of the window, and will show its settings editor if it has one. Place a checkmark next to each Modifier that you would like to use for the currently active Profile.
- Modifier Information
Displays indepth information on the currently selected Modifier.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Unless stated otherwise, these keyboard shortcuts are global to the entire window; pressing them regardless of which control is active will cause them to trigger.
- F1, Help
- F2
- F12
Displays this page of the documentation.
This is the keyboard equivalent of clicking on the Modifier Information & Feedback
link at the bottom-left of the window.
This is the keyboard equivalent of clicking on the Okay